Causes Of Penis Curvature
Many men across the world have a curve to their penis, especially when erect, for some it is a natural curvature that can be inherited genetically, for others, they have a hardened, sometimes painful area on their penis that forces the penis to curve as they get an erection. this is caused by plaques that develop in the flexible tissue within the penis
The medical name for this kind of curvature of the penis is Peyronies disease and is more common than you would think. It is believed that up to 40 percent of men have this condition, some cases more severe than others.
In fact some men may not notice as the curvature may be slight and cause no side effects whatsoever. For men who have a more pronounced form of Peyronies, the effects can be distressing and could cause problems in sexual relationships.
What is Peyronies Disease
The condition usually starts with inflammation which can become similar to hardened scar tissue. Basically plaque or a hard lump then begins to develop on the penis.
Because the tissue becomes hard it can cause the penis to twist or bend towards the direction of the plaque. This area is unbending and so does not expand with normal tissue when erect.
If the Plaque develops on the underside of the penis, The curvature will occur downwards, if the hardened tissue appears on the top then the bend will be upwards.
There is still no real evidence as to why Peyronies develops but doctors believe that it is possible that trauma or injury may be to blame. Hereditary factors could be attributed.
What Treatments Are Available
The ‘Nesbit’ procedure. This involves removing or pinching the tissue from the opposite side of the affected part of the penis. The idea is to balance out the bending effect. This shortens the penis when it is erect.
The ‘Lue’ procedure. By removing the plaque, the surgeon will then place either a patch of skin or artificial material to damaged area. This can give concern as there have been a high rate of complications. Some men have found a loss of erectile function and it can prevent the penis from becoming rigid.
An Implant can sometimes prove successful in straightening the penis. The implant surgery would include, incisions, grafting or placation (folding or pinching the skin).
Non Surgical Alternative Treatments For Peyronies Disease
Doctors have prescribed vitamins and various drugs to try and cure the condition. These have included Vitamin E, steroid, and calcium channel blockers with varying degrees of success.
It is believed that the most effective method of treating Peyronies and in fact all types of curvature is by using a penis traction device. Many doctors and surgeons believe this is the safest and most effective treatment available. The traction device is painless and has no side effects unlike invasive surgical procedures.
How Does a Traction Device Work
By putting the penis under gentle but permanent pulling pressure, the penis traction device can start to work on breaking down the plaques. Over time the pressure causes the internal cells to divide and duplicate forming new tissue and breaking down the hardened scar tissue that causes the problem. With the new skin and tissue cells forming the penis will gradually straighten and in many cases lengthen as well.
These devices have been proven to achieve the best results in treating and ultimately curing Peyronies disease.
Recommended Device For Treating All Kinds Of Curvature
Out of all the devices available, one stands head and shoulders above the rest – the rather aptly named Peyronies Device is unique in the fact that it has been designed to comfortably fit all degrees of bend regardless if it is peyronies or a natural curvature.
It delivers proven results without risk or discomfort – all fully guaranteed with a global 6 month cash back guarantee
With a unique comfort system and a whole range of proven accessories, massage techniques, oils, amino acids and vitamins to compliment and work alongside the device.
The Peyronies Device is the worlds first and only specially designed complete Peyronies treatment system.
More About The Peyronies Device